1、Most honest; most impatiently.

2、"Most satisfactory, suitable, or useful; most desirable:"

3、He that burns most shine most.

4、The most beautiful or the most charming?

5、Teaching is most stimulating.

6、"Last talk, most work"

7、appeal to most people

8、first and most important.

9、Timid dogs bark most.

10、Most Sinhalese are Buddhist; most Tamils are Hindu.

11、And what's most the most enduring visual image of Hendrix?

12、Most importantly, it addresses the incentive problems most expeditiously.

13、He most lives who lives most for others.

14、It was his most solemn, his most religious expression.

15、The most obvious are regulatory.

16、These happenings were most depressing.

17、She sampled most of them.

18、Are those qualities most evident?

19、Asian firms will benefit most.

20、who has the most apples?; most people like eggs; most fishes have fins.

21、For years, China-ASEAN cooperation has been most pragmatic, most extensive and most fruitful.

22、The most remunerative choice, you fear, may not be the most meaningful and the most satisfying.

23、There are the most magnificent mountains, the most blue lakes, the most vast Gobi, desert, grassland.

24、They use the most energy, most coal, most steel and most cement of any nation — with that, they emit the most pollution and greenhouse gases.

25、Right now, most think creative apps are Web apps - they are the most engaging, easiest to use, most intuitive.

26、Overall, these in-ear monitors are the most advanced, most thought-out, and most enjoyable molds I've ever used.

27、For it is only the working class that is most farsighted, most selfless and most thoroughly revolutionary.

28、made the most money he could; what attracts the most attention?; made the most of a bad deal.

29、Like water years, the most lonely open. Midnight, in the most beautiful time, meet the most beautiful you.

30、The secretory granules of most cells disappeared.