1、The threshold is called theta.


3、linear theta pinch hybrid reactor

4、So there's no restriction on theta.

5、YAG Laser Marking Machines Zoom f-theta-scanning System

6、With the chain rule, gives me a theta dot.

7、But, we have the constraint, a equals b cosine theta.

8、Well, you could call that the rate of change of theta with respect to theta with a constant.

9、This is a constant, and so you're going max to get theta equals theta maximum times the cosine omega t plus phi.

10、So, that means what you're doing is you're fixing the value of theta.

11、Plus the potential energy, which is mg times R times one minus cosine theta.

12、This number can be larger than zero >0 if the sine theta is larger than zero.

13、Now we forced this potential energy... we forced it into being dependent on theta squared.

14、Let this be the angle d theta so it moves in a short amount of time over an angle d theta dS and the arc here is dS, R and the radius is R.

15、Since there is no acceleration in the y direction, the normal force must be also mg cosine theta.

16、The ideation that can take place during the theta state is often free flow and occurs without censorship or guilt.

17、Then this is the component in your direction we call that the radial component which is v cosine theta.

18、dxdy Last time I told you if we have dx dy we could switch it to r dr d theta.

19、Meanwhile, the anti-X particle decays either to an antineutron or to two "hidden" antiparticles: anti-Y and anti-theta.

20、When the delta brainwave frequencies increase into the frequency of theta brainwaves, active dreaming takes place and often becomes more experiential to the person.

21、Don't get things mixed up, just the z component of the force becomes Gm triple integral of delta cos phi sine phi d rho d phi d theta.

22、So, it is possible to treat -1 as a constant input whose weight, theta, is adjusted in learning, or, to use the technical term, training.


24、Or, the other way around, I have a function of x and y and I want to express it in terms of the polar coordinates r and theta.

25、If that individual hits the snooze alarm button they will drop in frequency to a non-aroused state, or even into theta, or sometimes fall back to sleep in delta.

26、So half the track is about 2.5meters, so the angle theta maximum - is approximately 2.5 meters-- - which is half the length of the track-- 115- divided by 115 and that is an extremely small angle.

27、So we have the operationon the wave function in terms of r, theta, and phi and remember this e is just our binding energy for the electron, and we get back out this wave function.

