1、They house our taste buds.

2、The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds.

3、The lungs' taste receptors do differ from tongue taste buds.

4、Taste. The tongue contains small groups of sensory cells called taste buds that react to chemicals in foods. Taste buds react to sweet, sour, salty, and bitter.

5、Taste. The tongue contains small groups of sensory cells called taste buds that react to chemicals in foods.

6、Decrease your use of salt gradually and your taste buds will adjust.

7、We start out in life with about 10, 000 taste buds scattered on the tongue.

8、Autumn home stirs up my taste buds, my thoughts and heartstrings.

9、Maybe a spicy sauce made of lentils could wake up your taste buds!

10、I also have noticed a big change in my taste buds.

11、Only the shackles of beating spirit, cleaning up their own taste buds, delicately, every moment to taste, can we understand the taste.

12、One of the small, round or cone - shaped protuberances on the top of the tongue that contain taste buds.

13、Plum fragrance, like the wine just opened, attracts the sense of smell and stimulates the taste buds.

14、The fun is all about expression people make as all that citric acid hits their taste buds.

15、Tofu is fully soaked in the soup, with the delicious fish flavor, with deep spicy taste, soft contact with taste buds, tender, smooth and refreshing, with endless aftertaste.

16、Not only did they find taste receptors similar to the taste buds on our tongues, they also found that different tastes triggered effects in the tissue.

17、Our taste buds allow us to detect sweet and sour, salty and savory, and, of course, bitter.

18、Enjoy a new vegetable that not only satisfies your taste buds but also makes your heart strong and healthy.

19、Dr. Mike Cusnir, a leading researcher at Mount Sinai Medical Center, says that the majority of his patients utilizing the berry have experienced improved taste buds.

20、Dr Munger, though, found that both GLP-1 and the receptor molecule that picks it up and thus allows it to act are found in taste buds too.

21、Various delicious sea food, hundreds of seasonal dishes, kinds of barbecue, and different drinks will satisfy your taste buds, and give you pleasant and joyful experience here.

22、We might be wasting an exciting opportunity to wake up our taste buds when we swallow a sandwich at our desks.

23、Because of this beautiful atmosphere, I can not concentrate on the taste buds, only feel the heat and dryness behind, always be careful not to bite his fingers.

24、TROPICAL ICEWith a 2008 debut, this refreshing mix of coconut, papaya and pineapple ices is sure to enchant your taste buds. Now you can enjoy a taste of the tropics anytime you want!

25、ABSTRACT: What your taste buds and nose detects in wine depends on your past experience, and many sommeliers and wine professionals adhere to various tasting guidelines when they taste wine.

26、Chefs in the US lean on flavors that American taste buds are attracted to, but by evolving the taste in this way, the original Chinese recipe is sometimes ignored.

27、When we arrived at the snack point, we ordered two dishes, one soup and two bowls of rice. This dish with Western Hunan characteristics really stimulated my taste buds. We ate fragrantly, and then I added a bowl of rice.

28、Leisurely years, tranquil feelings overflow with the taste buds of your heart. A snowflake full of shoulders and dampened Feifei's heart, picked up a fireworks of love in winter.

29、A study at the Monell Chemical Senses Centre in Philadelphia found that the tongue's sweet-detecting taste buds have three distinct 'sugar receptors' instead of one, as was previously assumed.