1、The two maids were trim and comely.

2、Fair flower, that dost so comely grow.

3、But our comely members have no need.

4、On the screen appeared a girl of comely face.

5、A nervous, comely-dressed little girl stepped out.

6、For sweet is thy voice, and thy countenance is comely.

7、The girl has a good figure and comely appearance.

8、City comely halcyon, known as the "garden city", which is a population of 32 million.

9、"Why, Judith, Deerslayer isn't in the least comely, and is altogether unfit for one like you!"

10、He stood there facing the others with an inexpressibly winning smile upon his comely face.

11、And there dwell in this comely garden white peacocks and peacocks that have blue breasts.

12、Difficult to forget blurred or comely classical China, and to forget the lovesick feeling intonated for thousand years.

13、I am black, but comely, o ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon.

14、First, burst onto the scene with some bold, voice-of-the-generation debut—preferably with a comely author photo.

15、The comely young golf caddie who was also the third wife of Nasrudin tantalized the media all year.

16、The dozen young ladies with whom the house was furnished were comely, if brightly painted, and comported themselves more quietly than those of other houses.

17、Praise ye the LORD: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely.

18、But when they were in the heat of the engagement there appeared to the enemies from heaven five men upon horses, comely with golden bridles, conducting the Jews.

19、O my dove, that art in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the stairs, let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice; for sweet is thy voice, and thy countenance is comely.

20、A stakeout(监视) by a team of Miami Herald reporters yielded a front-page story claiming that Hart had spent most of the weekend with a comely(清秀的,标致的,美丽的) blond, a part-time actress named Donna Rice,29, whose half-clad modeling photos soon graced newsstands across the country.