1、a voyage of discovery

2、He saw life as a voyage of discovery.

3、Visions of bubbling water and mist on stage signal the start of Okada’s voyage of discovery.

4、Visions of bubbling water and mist on stage signal the start of Okada's voyage of discovery.

5、The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.

6、"Darwin's voyage of discovery had already caused a huge sensation in London," he explained.

7、Why not embark on a voyage of discovery where you learn something new about you or your environment.

8、The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes. -- Marcel Proust

9、The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands, but in seeing with new eyes.

10、Raised on the belief of an endless voyage of discovery, they recoil from the suggestion that most of the best things have already been located.

11、Scientific research is like an exploration of a voyage of discovery. You are continually trying out new things that have not been done before.

12、Greenfinch, thus taken by surprise, began bleating furiously, angry at being held so fast and prevented from continuing her voyage of discovery.

13、Paralleling the story of the St Louis is Karl's own voyage of discovery in which he falls in love for the first time and, in the face of hardship, becomes a man.

14、The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. 真正的发现之旅不在于寻找新的景观,而在于拥有新的眼光。