1、box up and pin down

2、Other causes are harder to pin down.

3、Culture is a difficult concept to pin down.

4、But it is always hard to pin down.

5、Mr Obama's views are hard to pin down.

6、It was difficult for me to pin down the subject.

7、It has taken until now to pin down its exact location.

8、Within the smaller area more intensive observations are made to pin down prequake signals.

9、To pin down the size of an orbital, we take a contour surface.

10、Given a matching index, a single index fetch will pin down the row to be retrieved.

11、but it was never possible nowadays to pin down any date within a year or two.

12、He set out with an apparently simple aim: to pin down the precise meaning of the concept of "information".

13、If you want to pin down a character that doesn't want to be found, you don't use a movie star.

14、The requirements are difficult to pin down, and significant challenges are often posed by legacy data sources.

15、You can never pin down Wendy to an exact time and place to meet;she's such a slippery customer.

16、For something so influential and intuitively appealing, it turns out that the Hawthorne effect is remarkably hard to pin down.

17、Previous research had determined that skin could absorb water, but couldn't pin down why it didn't fall apart when it expanded.

18、After all, being honest or dishonest involves a set of cognitive and social factors which may prove too complex to pin down.

19、The ultimate balance between jobs created and killed is difficult to pin down, but the net result is far murkier than it might seem.

20、Rather, the FPDA's persistence reflects “a concern that the distribution of power is in flux, creating a pervasive sense of insecurity that is hard to pin down.

21、In the Han Dynasty (206bc — 220ad), "Lari" fell on the day three weeks after Winter Solstice, which was actually hard to pin down or remember.

22、We are often tempted to quantify core-body rotation numerically - e. g. more than 30 but less than 90 degrees - but few of us are likely to carry a protractor to the pool to pin down the number.

23、Her mother, a patient teacher, instructed Legadema in the skills she would need to survive as a predator: how to pin down prey and where to clamp on their throats with her jaws to suffocate them.

24、The naval and air bombardments were designed to destroy the beach guns and obstacles, pin down the enemy and provide shelter for the ground troops on the open beaches by making craters.

25、Although they were physically intimate on a regular basis, Harriet was increasingly conscious of inchoate desires, of unappeased yearnings, the source of which she could not quite pin down.

26、Inspired by Halley's suggestion of a way to pin down the scale of the Solar System, teams of British and French astronomers set out on expeditions to places as diverse as India and Siberia.

27、As for our dispositions, we should use our secondary forces to pin down several enemy columns, while our main force should launch surprise attacks( chiefly in the form of ambushes) in a campaign or battle against a single enemy column, striking it when it is on the move.

28、Although researchers have failed to find evidence for a single“ time organ” in the brain, in the manner of, say, the visual cortex, it may be that future work will pin down those brain processes responsible for our sense of temporal passage.