1、If you fight me, I'll fight back!

2、Also, if we fight against Japan, won't Japan fight back?

3、We shall fight back if enemies attack.

4、We shall fight back if they attack.

5、He roared that we should fight back.

6、But frustrated users fight back in online forums.

7、Sickness is not weakness. We must fight back!

8、He tried hard to fight back a desire to laugh.

9、to their ships to fight back the invaders.

10、Sam can't fight back his tears while saying goodbye to Frodo.

11、Skenazy decided to fight back, arguing that we have lost our ability to assess risk.

12、I stood there with a lump in my throat and tried to fight back tears.

13、Xiangzi did not reply but waited quietly for him to fight back.

14、Look at the man who fought hard, bloody clothes, breathless, strength gradually diminished, only the fight without the power to fight back.

15、In the past, facing such doubts and ridicules, or even abuses, the author would choose to fight back and fight to the end.

16、Wicked people play rumors, fools enjoy rumors, brave people fight back rumors, wise people stop rumors, benevolent people dispel rumors.

17、Other "juggling theatres" decided to sacrifice their capital and maintain business to fight back the strike and start showing movies.

18、Better labelling has become an important weapon of the food giants' armoury as they fight back against their critics.

19、The withdrawal of the Kuomintang army is a great opportunity for the Red Army to fight back.

20、We should take some comfort from the ability of the judicial system to fight back against corruption.

21、To fight back, Wal-Mart is again emphasizing low prices and adding back thousands of products it had culled in an overzealous bid to clean up stores.

22、For instance, when you play table - tennis, you must try to reflect as quickly as you can so that you may fight back at the right position at the fight moment.

23、Li Zhi newspaper pro, fight ten years of cold window to pick up lights, read hard to read, do not be afraid, laughing life, with parents hope to fight back to win the battle.

24、Having suffered through Qaddafi's violence against them and then emboldened by Western intervention on their behalf, they would be ready to fight back at all cost.

25、Some have even noted keywords in Stuxnet’s code drawn from the Bible’s Book of Esther—in which the Jews fight back to foil a plot to exterminate them.

26、At present, the pharmacy in China doesn't have the condition to develop new drug, either the ability to fight back the attack from the import.

27、When you are deceived, thrown on the ground, and then stepped on by that person, you will have a clear understanding of the society before you fight back.

28、The video shows Billy staggering, then dropping his book bag to fight back, lanky arms flailing. But the screams of his sister stop things cold.

29、I was standing by the back corner of the truck, struggling to fight back the sudden wave of emotion the snow chains had brought on, when I heardan odd sound.