1、Autumn is a busy season.

2、Wharton: Yes, especially in our busy season.

3、This is not the busy season.

4、Graduate season is a sad and busy season.

5、Autumn nis the harvest season, is also a busy season.

6、Autumn is a busy season, is a beautiful season, is a golden season, is a festive season.

7、Demand in busy season will be late for coming.

8、We are making provision for the busy season ahead.

9、That deal set off a busy season for instrumentation acquisitions.

10、We take on extra workers during the busy season.

11、I like autumn, because autumn is the harvest season and busy season.

12、Spring is a busy season. Everyone goes to the fields to cultivate. It is very busy and lively.

13、Autumn is a busy season. The days get shorter and the nights get longer.

14、Finding a parking space in the busy season is a virtual impossibility.

15、The past months have been a busy season for the Russian legal system.

16、Spring is the busy season for college graduates in search of a job.

17、 Such a season is a busy season for dividing fields and dividing fields. It is a season for farmers to turn around and liberate themselves. It is a season of joy and inspiration.

18、Educated youth spent in their years, the "three summer" busy season, our busy summer harvest, summer planting and sowing of summer crops, control period.

19、In the busy season the village looked deserted when all the peasants had gone to the fields.

20、Now you are ready for the busy season and handling all the English-speaking passengers on your flight.

21、When chrysanthemum blossoms all over the world, it is the busy season for farmers to sow seeds and hope.

22、When the restaurant cook left at the beginning of the busy season, it puts the restaurant owner in a hole.

23、Temporary Heat Wave: You're buried in work because it's your 'busy season. ' But you do see light at the end of the tunnel.

24、The arrival of autumn adds a joy of harvest to the busy season and brings a good mood of harvest to the peasant uncle.

25、Now, both will tackle the holiday shopping frenzy between Thanksgiving and the end of the year — a busy season for receipts if there ever was one.

26、The application: office, workshop, household, common locus, busy season, trains and ships, outdoor exercise, tourism, exploration, angle, walking on road, playing in park, et.

27、In some seasons, I would study in the morning and work in the fields in the afternoon. During the busy season, I would spend all day working by the side of mother.

28、Because she said now she has a lot of order to produce, she can not confirm us the price we do for last time is ok now for the busy season and she also need to check the delivery time.

29、Confidante in old, scattered fragrance, Qingming River is too noisy, half light youth gambling wine poured tea, a busy season, over the years, you forget, he has not married, not war, once staining flow like jade flower.