1、a cactus with red spines

2、The hedgehog has many spines.

3、Hedgehogs and cacti have spines.

4、Porcupines use their spines to protect themselves.

5、She knows that hedgehogs have sharp spines.

6、An adult hedgehog can boast 7,500 spines.

7、a low tuberculate cactus with white feathery spines; northeastern Mexico.

8、The scorpionfish also has poisonous spines used in defense.

9、Having no thorns, spines, teeth, claws, or other protective parts.

10、In fact, speculation abounds about what purpose the spines serve.

11、Sea urchins brandish their spines on the seafloor near the Channel Islands. Scientists recently discovered that the eyeless invertebrates "see" by detecting light with their spines.

12、spines become erect when the body is inflated; worldwide in warm waters.

13、Its skin varies from yellow to dark pinkish red and is covered in soft spines.

14、marine fishes having a tapering body with an armored head and venomous spines.

15、[size=10.5pt]THE word [size=10.5pt]“subprime” may now send shudders down bankers’ spines.

16、They have two spines and two esophaguses and share other organs.

17、Some claim that it eases back pain by keeping their spines supple and strengthening the muscles that support it.

18、The stem of rose is slender and long. The dark green stem is covered with many dark red spines.

19、erect annual of tropical central Asia and Africa having a pair of divergent spines at most leaf nodes.

20、insectivorous lizard with hornlike spines on the head and spiny scales on the body; of western North America.

21、This voracious critter is covered with sharp spines that can cause considerable pain when touched (so, don't touch 'em!)

22、The sparrow then put the spines and worms together on the bright, empty horizontal trunk and tasted its trophy with delight.

23、The crown of thorns starfish is large, twenty-five to thirty-five centimeters in diameter, and has seven to twenty-one arms that are covered in spines.

24、In the young rats, the spines were able to adjust and change, indicating that the brain responded to the experience and initiated a compensatory change.

25、The consequences of interacting with the array of sharp spines on a sea urchin or porcupine are pretty obvious to any creature passing by.

26、In bouldering ankles and spines are top casualties. Without a good spotter to catch your fall you will get hurt some day.

27、Any of numerous radially symmetrical marine invertebrates of the phylum Echinodermata, which includes the starfishes, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers, having an internal calcareous skeleton and often covered with spines.

28、They usually have daggerlike head spines (horns) and a flattened oval Body with pointed fringe scales along the sides. Species range from about 3 to 5 in. (8 to 13 cm) long.

29、At operation the cord was swollen opposite the sixth and seventh dorsal vertebral spines. A midline incision was made in the cord: an intramedullary cyst Bulged out and was delivered by gentle pressure.

30、This fish, as Miss Luo said, has only one bone in it, and no other fish spines, and I found the meat tender with a knife, even tenderer than this tuna.