1、Vernon stood irresolute.

2、He is never irresolute or inactive.

3、Because of his irresolute character, we were defeated at last.

4、Lacking firmness of will, character, or purpose;irresolute.

5、a person who lacks confidence, is irresolute and wishy-washy.

6、These verbs mean to be uncertain, irresolute, or indecisive.

7、McGillicuddy's hand went up to the communication cord, then paused, irresolute.

8、The worst reason to launch an attack would be a fear of seeming irresolute.

9、He now furtively raised his eyes: he glanced at me, irresolute, disturbed: he again surveyed the picture.

10、Instead of going straight into the adjoining room, where her desk was, she lingered, slightly irresolute, in the outer office.


12、It is for people to rely on themselves, and to be judged by others behind their back. Sometimes we care too much about the voice in our ears, make decisions irresolute and act irresolute, and eventually tired our minds and feel sleepy.

13、Many do not admit that contradictions still exist in socialist society, with the result that they become irresolute and passive when confronted with social contradictions;

14、Helen had firm views on how her young man should behave.Decisive kissing was one thing;irresolute pawing about was quite another.

15、In some words, we will understand one day. Sometimes we care too much about the voice in our ears, make decisions irresolute and act irresolute, and eventually tired our minds and feel sleepy. Even if you do well, someone will point to you. Even if you are in a mess, you can hear the praise song.

16、My heart flowing long melancholy and lonely, longing in my heart roundabout irresolute, the depths of my eyes is your endless smile, behind me is the never-ending Red Dust.

17、"Decided only to be undecided, resolved to be irresolute, adamant for drift, solid for fluidity, all-powerful to be impotent. " (张伯伦)决定不做决定,决心动摇不定,坚定地随波逐流,稳稳地随风摇曳,强大到一无所成。