1、BS = bottom settlings

2、Actress sternly scolded, under BS.

3、That guy's full of BS.

4、Approximation by BS-Bézier Operators;

5、Women have a really good BS detector.


7、I'm so fed up with your BS (bull shit).

8、ISO 17799 (or BS 7799) is a detailed security standard.

9、BA/BS in life-sciences or relevant areas.

10、He holds a BS in philosophy from Skidmore College.

11、D Punching Oil BS also contains anti corrosion & lubricity additives.

12、BS: Well, I don't think I made such a trade-off.

13、BS: She's unique and extremely talented. I love her spin on everything.

14、Strategy Research as Marketing Leader of New Building Material Co., in BS Group

15、Maybe it's all BS, but the philosophies that we thought were good for us.

16、This caused customers seeking BS 5750-compliant suppliers to conduct audits of each new supplier.


18、Lineale: Group of typefaces classified by BS 2961. These are typefaces without serifs, otherwise known as sans-serif.

19、My name is Liu Ling. I graduated in 1990 from Nankai University majoring in mathematics with a BS. degree.

20、The Colonization of Endophytic Bacteria Strain BS-2 and TB2 in Lychnee and the Control Effects to Downy Mildew Disease

21、I have a BS from USC and Ph D in physics from the California Institute of Technology.



24、本研究中我们发现MY BS 3同样在水稻适应冷胁迫中发挥关键作用。

25、顾客提出符合BS 5750标准条款的合同要求,希望供应商遵循这些要求。

26、1979年,英国标准协会(BSI)颁布了一个针对质量管理程序的标准(BS 5750)。

27、BS D层提供了大部分Mach层没有提供的*作系统服务。


29、作为基本概要的扩展,BS p旨在支持以可互*作的方式向SOAP消息添加安全功能。