1、This subsection has rhetorical usefulness.

2、Any violation of subsection shall be punishable.

3、The section and subsection numbers below correspond to the section and subsection numbers of the Agreement;

4、By adding at the end the following new subsection.

5、They reported this direction to the direction - finding evaluation subsection.

6、Analyse the subsection method and the process in detail.

7、The crucial language of this subsection reads as follows:

8、Where a relevant office-holder or defaulter receives pursuant to subsection (2) a report made pursuant to subsection (1).

9、A false example is given to educe the discussion of a solution to the derivative of subsection function at the point of subsection.

10、"Any property of which the Authority has taken possession under subsection (1), which is not claimed within the time referred to in subsection (2) or which the Authority refuses to return under subsection (3) to any person,"

11、As a result, The Times and groups which the different individual can stand with in equal-distance subsection training and in unequal-distance subsection training are different.

12、Analysis of Bus Differential Protection Action on Bus Coupler and Subsection Malfunction and Dead-zone Fault in Dual-bus Dual-subsection Connection

13、"Subject to subsection (2), a ship that becomes registered in Hong Kong "

14、You can use this dialog to build a subsection of the SQL CREATE TABLE command.

15、Each subsection you've just read provides the template you can use to define control attributes.

16、Supported C compilers: See the Resources section, subsection "Get products and technologies."

17、To delete this subsection in the Relationships section, edit the activity_desc.xsl file.

18、"Subject to subsection (3), where in any civil or criminal proceedings before a court or magistrate a question arises as to any of the matters mentioned in subsection (1), that court or magistrate shall refer that question to a Tribunal; "

19、The mode attribute can also take a value none, which we will discuss in more detail in the next subsection.

20、"where he seeks disclosure of any information or document that is not referred to in subsection (2); or where information or a document that is referred to in subsection (2) is not disclosed by the Commissioner, "

21、A recognized clearing house which has made a report pursuant to subsection (1) shall supply the report to the Commission;

22、For each section and subsection, write a brief point-form description of the contents of that section.

23、Subsection (1) shall not apply where the certificate or certificates referred to in that subsection are delivered to the Registrar prior to the time of registration of the ship.

24、A subsequent subsection of this problem section is a review of past research on the topic being investigated.

25、"Subject to subsection (3), any person who contravenes subsection (1), whether or not he knows that the article is an indecent article, commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $200,000 and to imprisonment for 12 months."

26、Subject to subsection (2). Any person who publishes any indecent article to a person who is a juvenile.

27、Research purposes: Under the condition of natural ventilation, this paper analyzes and calculates the harmful gas concentration in each subsection of tunnel.

28、In GENERAL - section 530 of the Revenue Act of 1978 is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection.

29、Boundary map is established based on the subsection acquisition strategy, and its performance is analyzed and compared with the continuous acquisition strategy.

30、The last subsection shows how to implement a custom breadcrumb navigation tag, which uses this new service (part of the SPI).