1、Which resume should I use when I approach a prospective employer?

2、But if not, and a prospective employer is casual about this issue, beware: It could be a warning that the employer isn't someone you want to work for.

3、Your prospective employer wants to see that you can do the job and work well with colleagues。

4、The first items that a prospective employer is likely to see are our resume and application letter.

5、That way, any prospective employer who Googles you, should see what you want them to see - your professional branding.

6、But while it is perfectly legal for a prospective employer to check a candidate's qualifications, few do.

7、The DNA from a single human hair, for example, may be sufficient to alert a prospective employer or health insurer to a person's genetic predisposition to disease.

8、Functional: Calls attention to job skills rather than work history or education. List only the skills that might help your prospective employer.

9、So a stern letter from a lawyer may be enough to make him think twice about his response to the next prospective employer who calls asking about you.

10、You want to make crystal-clear what you've done" -- and, by extension, what tangible results you could produce for a prospective employer.

11、Yes; we understand that there’s a time and place for ads in conversations, as a chat with a friend isn’t quite the same as an interview with a prospective employer or parole officer.

12、I'm 48 and want to put my best foot forward and not be penalized by a low salary offer or no offer at all. Which resume should I use when I approach a prospective employer?

13、Your face-to-face interview is your one opportunity to show the real you to your prospective employer, and may be the key to set you apart from other applicants.

14、This immediately connects your name in a prospective employers mind with the vacant job.

15、Networking Nights - Opportunities to meet with prospective employers in a casual setting.

16、Just sending the same generic CV to a variety of prospective employers doesn't show this.

17、Job interviews are not just a means by which prospective employers judge your suitability.

18、Women who didn’t send photos had a 16.6 percent callback rate, the highest response rate from prospective employers.

19、A poster designed to be printed A2 size, put in a A4 envelope and mailed to prospective employers.