1、He's a great booby!

2、booby-trapped (explosive device)

3、Always send booby first.

4、His booby-trapped car exploded.

5、Looks like you get the booby prize.

6、Fight your way to success avoiding booby traps and mines.

7、They dug trenches in their path and set booby traps.

8、Police were checking the area for booby traps.

9、Panzer Elite infantry can be ordered to booby trap any strategic point in the game. Booby traps are triggered by enemy units attempting to capture the point.

10、You never know what kind of booby traps this guy could have set.

11、I always get the booby prize. My wife's gonna laugh at me.

12、Victims were snared when they visited websites seeded with booby-trapped adverts and links.

13、The police did not go near the abandoned car, feared it was a booby trap.

14、 The police did not go near the abandoned car, fearing it was a booby trap.

15、Panzer Elite infantry can be ordered to plant deadly booby traps inside any building on the map.

16、A "booby trap" is a mechanism that prevents a person from reaching a treasure and can also cause bodily harm.

17、" His wife sat up in bed and looked at him coldly. "You are a booby," she said, "and I am going to have you put in the booby-hatch.

18、Now watch this finch figure out exactly how much damage it can do to the booby without getting tossed off.

19、They often fold over or bunch up, turning them into booby traps for anyone shuffling down the hall.

20、The cage included one particularly tall perch that closely resembled an electrical tower and was booby trapped to give birds landing on it a mild shock.

21、Panzer Elite infantry can be ordered to plant deadly booby traps inside any building on the map. Enemy infantry entering the building will suffer extreme consequences.

22、The boy was unarmed and wore no helmet so he may well have coming in to surrender when he set off the booby trap.

23、We sometimes use this analogy of a kid's game called 'booby trap' where you have a bunch of little blocks and there's a spring piston and it pushes on them.

24、Uh, first he survives being "finished" in a cruel Aztec tournament, then he kills every one of the raiders who give chase in the jungle - even setting up skewer-happy booby traps.