1、Uh, oh, I can kiss my boob tube goodbye.

2、Your boob tube is on its last legs .

3、How many hours will we waste away in front of the boob tube?

4、There's a collision, you see, between the boob tube and the Internet.

5、If you want peak mental performance, then turn off the boob tube.

6、In the United States, the venerable 'boob tube' has all but disappeared from offices, living rooms, and retail shelves.

7、InBrazil, television was introduced sequentially province by province, and ineach new region the boob tube reached, birth rates plummeted soon after.(Discuss

8、Doctors and researchers are starting to warn viewers about the potential dangers of spending too much time in front of a 3d boob tube.

9、I plunged into the alphabet-soup world of digital television( DTV) in2003, shortly after I replaced my electron-gun boob tube with a42- inch plasma flat panel.