1、Will this flooded ground ever dry out?

2、Overusing one's hairdryer will dry out your hair.

3、He went to an expensive clinic to dry out.

4、He checked into Cedars Sinai Hospital to dry out.

5、Add some coconut milk if it starts to dry out.

6、Don't leave that bread on the table,it will dry out.

7、But it's supposed to be freezing.How are we going to dry out all her clothes?

8、This is a wonderful cleansing creme and does not dry out my skin.

9、As the sheets dry out, overlapping edges "felt" together to become fused seams.

10、The theory goes that dry air will dry out the corks, which would let air into the bottle and spoil the wine.

11、 June was in danger of becoming an alcoholic and so she's gone to a special nursing home to dry out.

12、And if you've been affected recently, your first goal should be to dry out and restore normalcy.

13、Before connection upon completion of generator's mounting, measured insulation resistance of generator's winding, dry out the generator if necessary.

14、Dry, chapped lips can be unsightly and even painful. During the harsh winter months, lips are especially likely to dry out. Wear moisturizing lip balm daily, even when your lips do not feel chapped.

15、Lu Hao had long guessed that Ouyang Che could be tormented into such a leisurely generation, thinking about it only in the late autumn dry out.

16、The preservative used is usually ethylene glycol or propylene glycol, as alcohol will evaporate quickly and the traps will dry out.

17、It can take up to four weeks for the alcohol to dry out completely in an airtight container, and the whole process can take up to three months.

18、It usually takes around four weeks for the alcohol to dry out completely in an airtight container - although in some cases it could be three months.

19、Air conditioners dry out the protective layer of mucus along nasal passages, which likely allows viruses to infect you more easily.

20、Bonus tip: Chop garlic early in the prep phase, then set it aside for a few minutes (covered, so it won't dry out) to give time for thiosulfinates to develop.

21、Roridula can be grown on the tray system during the hot summer days, if you let the tray dry out before the next watering and use very deep POTS.

22、It is easier to dry out a drunk, take someone off hard drugs or watch a three-pack-a-day smoker go cold Turkey than live with a fan during a long losing streak.

23、A confessed alcoholic for thirty years (Kamprad says he learned to consume copious quantities of vodka during Polish business trips), he now regularly attends Swedish health farms to dry out.

24、In the best time, I am still walking alone in the street that is not flashy but belongs to me. I like a pickup, quietly collecting time film, making it a old private wine, and then in the summer afternoon, to dry out any pictures of you.