1、Compile company publicity material, design and amend company's website.

2、Wevin provides services include packaging design, material design, publicity materials design.

3、YoYo, a rescue dog, has now featured in publicity material for a veterinary course and other college material.

4、I'm also responsible for our publicity material so I have to deal with designers and printers.

5、The publicity material sent out by the company stressed their concern for the environment.

6、press releases and other publicity material to coincide with the official launching.

7、 The group members handed out publicity material to the participants and appealed to young people to take care of their lives.

8、We also have to include a small office for June with a phone and somewhere to keep publicity material, and so on.

9、OK, let me have all the sales literature, and any other publicity material. I like to keep that sort of thing on file in my office.

10、Relevant literature and publicity materials are supplied at the fair.

11、Intercultural communication and the translation of tourist publicity materials;

12、We'd better have a small office with a phone and somewhere to keep publicity materials.

13、Four hours, I handed out publicity materials more than 3000 copies.

14、Some companies have lowered the tone of the list of publicity materials.

15、Chapter Two gives an overview of publicity materials, including the definition, characteristics and the text type analysis.