1、So now we're clear on our goals.

2、Let us be absolutely clear on this.

3、First, let's be clear on how these things are different.

4、we need to get clear on "What am I?"

5、My memory is not clear on that point.

6、Be clear on what exactly you want to achieve.

7、FT: I want to be clear on your answers on the talks in June.

8、On the sound front, it was audible and very clear on both ends.

9、You think, the first thing we have to get clear on is well what am I?

10、The research is very clear on this, so don't expect them to.

11、They may not be clear on what packages are installed, or where.

12、Make sure this is clear on the community portal. State it in the community mission.

13、Basing the entire system of federal incentives on tax equity had two weaknesses, one that has always been clear and another that became clear only recently.

14、The fog was rapidly dispersing; already the moon shone quite clear on the ground on either side.

15、Qinling latitudinal structural belt is developed very clear on the surface, and extends to a certain depth.

16、What you set out to do sets the tone of the whole conversation, so be clear on your objective.

17、Seeing the scene in front of me, I suddenly realized that I wanted to make something clear on weekdays.

18、But read Building Your Team Pre-Financing to make sure you're clear on what you want to do first.

19、Be clear on what do you need to know and the most effective ways to get those answers.

20、And the answer, presumably, is going to be, well it depends on getting clear on whether the stages are glued together in the right metaphysical way.

21、As was made clear on Sept. 11, the great struggle of the 21st century will be between the forces of fanatic fundamentalism and those of tolerance.

22、The circulation cell is very clear on the average map of monsoon period. It's meridional scale is about 1500km with a top up to 100 hPa .

23、If it is clear on the seventh day of the first lunar month, then the whole family is safe and everything goes well.