1、Who is the group masterminding the plot?

2、Don't let them take the fall for who was masterminding

3、You see your friend Birdsong over there, masterminding this?

4、Since August 2010 he has been in jail, accused of masterminding graft on a grand scale.

5、Afghanistan and India have accused Pakistan's intelligence agency of masterminding the attack.

6、Italy's Calisto Tanzi, Parmalat's co-founder was sentenced to 10 years in jail in 2008 for masterminding Europe's largest bankruptcy;

7、In life and work, Jobs was a perfectionist, masterminding the release of revolutionary products such as the iPhone and iPad.

8、Albert Spaggiari was a French career criminal who is best known for masterminding the Societe Generale bank robbery in France, 1976.

9、The state governor, sergio Cabral, ordered jailed gang leaders suspected of masterminding the mayhem moved to distant high-security prisons. He also asked the federal government for help.

10、Sopo is accused of masterminding a bank fraud scheme with Edward Asatoorians, who was convicted by a federal jury in Seattle last week.

11、The process of architectural settlement design is exactly the process of discovering the representing of the site environment and masterminding the intervening of the architectural settlement into it.