1、Bostrom: It is certainly not complete.

2、He does not complete this task.

3、It's simple, but it's not complete.

4、The Media Center update is not complete.

5、We do not complete the task.

6、The official requested anonymity because the contract was not complete.

7、The core library for the project is not complete.

8、The Autorun program could not complete because of the following:

9、Forty-four patients did not complete the study.

10、 It is also true that the fatigue is not complete, the death of the Taimiao is not complete, and the death of the Taimiao is not small.

11、Could not complete the operation. One or more parameter values are not valid.

12、The formula is not complete. Make sure an ending square bracket ] is not missing.

13、Many times, unhappiness is not because the conditions for happiness are not complete, but because life is not simple enough.

14、The execution of the benchmark as it is delivered will not complete in a timely manner.

15、People who did not complete secondary school faced unemployment rates of 11.5%.

16、Sometimes evidence is not complete. It may take time for new facts to become available.

17、The Web module installation is not complete until the configuration has been saved.

18、The interop scenarios are very useful, but certainly not complete (particularly in reliable messaging).

19、Logical Validation did not complete successfully. Therefore, Migration did NOT occur. Please check the output window for details.

20、It also discusses that transmission system of the monetary policy is not smooth and the substance economy is not complete.

21、If the cache is not complete, you need to go back to the database to perform the query instead.

22、Mr. Gill said the city could penalize the company if it did not complete the work on schedule.

23、I came away from that conference with a better, although not complete, understanding of agility and XP.

24、In fact, a new prompt appears anytime you do not complete the command line at the previous prompt.

25、But the lack for credit of the our country is not credit to be put out to lose, but it is shortage and not complete.

26、The world seen with the naked eye is often not the real world: the world seen with the soul, though not complete, is mostly real.

27、Although present knowledge of nutrition is not complete, a considerable amount of information already has been acquired through extensive research efforts in the field.

28、Note: An install of a previous application was not completed. This setup will therefore require a reboot in order to complete.

29、To adapt to the situation that a user could not complete the assigned task in time, a role-hierarchy-based task delegation model in workflow is proposed.

30、Updating of the registry on the controller servers was skipped or did not complete successfully. For further details, see the migration log.