1、misguided efforts

2、Simplified integration efforts.

3、Don't depreciate my efforts.

4、Control efforts are ongoing.

5、Their efforts were unavailing.

6、Other efforts seem counterproductive.

7、make unremitting efforts; make sustained and redoubled efforts

8、My efforts came to naught.

9、Personal efforts supersede personal characteristics.

10、The rescue efforts are underway.

11、Success comes from unremitting efforts.

12、Victory issued from our efforts.

13、China is improving its waste sorting efforts.

14、Cleanup efforts are going very well.

15、Such efforts are welcome, if grossly overdue.

16、Please don't jeer at my efforts.

17、Polio eradication efforts are also complicated.

18、We can only their own efforts, efforts to close the gap and narrow the gap.

19、I would rather earn 1% off a 100 people's efforts than 100% of my own efforts.

20、What is most afraid of? Is unremitting efforts? Or after efforts pale in vain.

21、The Americans hope that Pakistan's efforts can help bolster turnout.

22、In order to dream, we make unremitting efforts.

23、Despite their best efforts, Greek banks still risk being swamped.

24、Exceptional efforts will gain an Outstanding Achievement Award.

25、To focus and mobilize your efforts, set a deadline.

26、We can choose our way of life and lifestyle through our own efforts, at least through our efforts to improve.

27、Only when we make unrestricted efforts like Jingwei reclamation and make unremitting efforts, can we realize our ideals.



30、Their efforts, their efforts, not to say a word to make people laugh, but to live happily, not forget the first heart.