1、Seniors swoop in as young chicks enter their first year in college.

2、There are few investors ready to swoop in to keep cash-strapped companies running.

3、She just broke up with the guy, it's time for you to swoop in!

4、Competitors would then swoop in and fully commercialize the idea -and profit the most from it.

5、When the research, extension, and U.S. foreign aid is all in place Monsanto will swoop in for the feast.

6、It infects immune cells like this lymphocyte, causing their deaths and opening the door for opportunistic infections to swoop in.

7、Almost certainly, this is how loyalist soldiers have managed to swoop in and arrest at least nine foreign journalists in the past two weeks.

8、One said he was waiting for the “distress to deepen” so that he could swoop in and scoop up foreclosed homes and planes.

9、And when your beloved hotel is bankrupt and empty, I'll swoop in and give you fair-market price. I'm sure there's some copper pipes I could salvage.

10、Chandler: What are you still doing here? She just broke up with the guy, it's time for you to swoop in!

11、Keep up this approach as you sweep across the base: ground troops first to target Spore Crawlers and Hydralisks, then swoop in the Vikings to blast Mutalisks from the sky.