1、cornered piston ring

2、That question cornered me.

3、The Vicar felt himself cornered.

4、He seems to have cornered the market.

5、During intermission, I cornered the boy's father.

6、Mr Singh's government thus looks cornered.

7、They monopolized or cornered the oil market.

8、Frightened men could be dangerous when cornered.

9、Qantas has cornered about two-thirds of Australia's domestic market.

10、I found myself cornered by her on the stairs.

11、Venomous snakes spit and hiss when they are cornered.

12、They cornered me in the alley just south of Rockaway.

13、Sony has cornered the market in chic-looking MP3 players.

14、She suddenly felt panicky like a mouse cornered by a hungry cat.

15、A team of 20 firefighters in the area found themselves cornered by flames.

16、That person agilely cornered over to go out from the window, some voices didn't mail out.

17、Two young brothers trespassing on a building site are chased and cornered by a guard dog.

18、In short: Pius Thicknesse thinks he's got you cornered good and proper.

19、The story he cooked up when he was cornered didn't correspond to the facts and accordingly didn't carry much conviction.

20、I found out many times, like a cornered rat in a real trap, I was surprisingly capable.

21、It was not a round pebble like the first, but a three-cornered one with sharp, flinty points.

22、Normally, if you see a girl wearing such a three-cornered cap, then you can be sure she is Jino.

23、The flag, like tri-cornered hats and indeed teapots, has been adopted as a symbol by the “tea-party” movement.

24、Her tail furred out, her hair rose, and she assumed the typical attitude of a cat close - cornered by a dog.

25、From the eagle stone eastbound, not too far away to see a pavilion, near to see, this is a small four-cornered pavilion, has been rusted spots.

26、I did hate borrowing money from others, so unless I was dreadfully cornered, I would not borrowed money from others easily.

27、Online trademark and copyright infringement is a more baffling problem than ever for corporate attorneys, who increasingly seem like cornered animals.

28、As far as I am cornered, it is difficult to solve the soil environmental pollution problem with pure technical or legal measures.

29、His thin but wiry legs were arrayed in a pair of richly embroidered clocked stockings, evidently of English manufacture, while from his three-cornered hat depended a long streaming knot of white and blue ribbons.

30、You want me cornered professionally because I spoke at the faculty of Vincennes for two years and they say, you say, that I don't do a thing there anymore.