1、remove the fangs from (canines, snakes, etc.).

2、Most herbivore teeth are grinders, canines are usually absent.

3、But in all carnivores, the lower canines are in the front of jaws, and only if the mouth is wide open are the upper canines exposed.

4、Well - to - canines can attend doggy daycare centers while their owners work.

5、Objective To study left lung inverse circulation (LLIC) reversing pulmonary hypertension (PH) in canines.

6、Results 11 impacted maxillary canines were aligned, their pulp and periodontal attachment were normal.

7、Effects of rapid left atrial pacing on electrical remodeling of pulmonary vein antrum in canines

8、Trust me, you're gonna love this story — even those who are skeptical about talking canines.

9、Influence of portal-azygos devascularization via abdomen with stapler on gastric motility in portal hypertension canines with liver cirrhosis

10、Caption: Checking Out the Competition: the contest attracts canines from all over the country. This year's show featured 15 participants.

11、The trained canines alert their owners to important sounds, such as doorbells, smoke alarms and ringing telephones.

12、Protein expression of the L-type Calcium channel α_(1c) subunit of pulmonary vein antrum in canines

13、His eyes went black and he opened his mouth to show Joe long canines that protruded past his lips.

14、Objective to investigate the myocardial expression of stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1) and it's receptor CXCR4 in dilated cardiomyopathy canines induced by chronic rapid atrial pacing.

15、Dogs are naturally pack animals making the play group environment a natural way for your dog to socialize with fellow canines.

16、This animal looks very peculiar, with long snout and canines, and it highlights that we know so little. Surprises like this are bound to happen.

17、Sweeney said one of the primary reasons for overweight canines is that people feed their dogs leftovers, which is particularly fattening.

18、Well-to-do canines can attend doggy daycare centers while their owners work. Pets can even accompany their owners on vacation.

19、In Utah, there was a mammoth found, a mammoth skeleton found that had scratch marks on some of the bones that were the size and could have been done by the canines of a short faced bear.

20、A South Korean laboratory that produced the world's first cloned dogs is looking to get into the business of cloning canines, first by cloning drug-sniffing dogs, a lab official said on Tuesday.

21、To show this was not just because the animals were not getting food, the researchers then tested the dogs alone and found that in this situation the envious canines cooperated longer before stopping.