1、Accruing unrecorded expenses

2、Recording unrecorded expense incurred

3、Recording unrecorded revenue earned

4、Since cash transactions are unrecorded, they can easily go unreported.

5、Information processing systems--Designation of unrecorded flexible disk cartridges

6、Linguistic ethnology reveals the unrecorded history of Thai feminism.

7、Manufactured from magnetic media that was previously unrecorded.

8、It needs to be adjusted for any unpresented cheques or unrecorded deposits.

9、Much of this goes unrecorded, as the British Crime Survey ignores victims under 16;

10、Prepared unrecorded of a width exceedig 4mm, but not exceedig 6.5 mm.

11、The birth of her son in 1952 goes unrecorded; he makes his first appearance in an aside.

12、Also ranked among the stateless are marginal groups who cannot claim civic rights because their births went unrecorded.

13、Philosophical theories or ideas, as points of view, instruments of criticism, may help us to gather up what might otherwise pass unrecorded by us.

14、All cases are voluntarily reported, and many more are likely to go unrecorded, sometimes because librarians have been threatened with dismissal if they sound the alarm.

15、The television camera accepts and makes available for immediate transmission a two-dimensional image that remains unrecorded and passes with the event, like the image in a mirror.

16、When data are written over a recorded area, the data are alternately recorded in an unrecorded user data area, thereby performing logical overwrite processing.

17、As in the beginning of organized warfare, back in the aeons of unrecorded history, so in its latest forms the sanction of women is deemed essential to its terrific force.

18、He said the UN figures reflected only people who managed to reach the collapsing hospitals to die there. In the countryside and poor townships people were dying unrecorded in or near their own homes.

19、The net errors and omissions item reflects not only the quality of balance of payments of one country, but also the amount of capital flow unrecorded officially to a certain degree.