1、You scabby liar!

2、He had short trousers and scabby knees.

3、Want to manure the whole place over, scabby soil.

4、Black birds flew over, said a black spots like people scabby shadow.

5、In the sunlight the jagged rocks scattered over the hill looked as ugly as bald scabby heads.

6、The Welsh Captain describes Pistol as a "rascally, scald [scabby], beggarly, lousy, pragging [show-off] knave"in Henry 5.

7、Ava is the scabby-kneed runt of the Bigtree “tribe”, a family of alligator wrestlers that has long managed a gator-themed park in south-west Florida.

8、The stupid Stone HAD also recorded its transformation and below we shall reproduce the seal characters engraved on it by the scabby monk.

9、Theophrastus's "Characters," written in the fourth century B. C., paints a portrait of a hairy, scabby sloven named Nastiness, who doesn't wash his hands after dinner.

10、"He was just about to go in again when a monk and a Taoist priest drew near, laughing and gibbering like two maniacs. The monk was barefooted, his head scabby; the priest, lame with tangled, tousled hair."

11、Results after 10 days of treatment, the facial and oral herpes became dry and scabby, with healing of oral erosion. All patients recovered from herpes zoster without complications after 20 days.