1、The body regenerates itself.

2、The brown tissue never regenerates.

3、Automatically regenerates X health per second.

4、Wisdom: Caster regenerates 1% max mana.

5、Fiber port is unsurpassed, fully regenerates signal, preventing signal attenuation.

6、Recombinant human acidic fibroblast growth factor and fibrin carrier regenerates bone.

7、So, the guide of self, nature regenerates work there are some difficulties.

8、I intend to master unity biology that regenerates and does not age, become ill or die.

9、Shamanistic Rage - No longer has a mana cost and regenerates mana equal to 15% of your attack power.

10、Amazingly, our skin renews and regenerates itself naturally every few weeks, replacing older cells with vital fresh new ones.

11、Results: The surgically extirpated ventral prostate lobe in rats regenerates attaining plateau size at8~16 weeks post lobectomy.

12、According to chiropractic physician Dr. William Madosky, "the key is, you remove the pressure, and the nerve regenerates."

13、When you export the profile, Studio first regenerates and validates the profile, then exports the profile to the server and optionally makes it the active profile.

14、The previous basement parking space being reprogrammed and renovated into library and gallery. This action regenerates the space and bring new public space indoors.

15、The patient is then given an infusion of other antibodies to provide some protection while the immune system regenerates its own antibodies.

16、Merge replication now provides a stored procedure that regenerates the triggers, stored procedures, and views that are used to track data changes.

17、With live liver transplants, only a portion of the liver of a donor is use, and this grows over time in the donee, while the remaining portion regenerates over time in the donor.

18、 Music dies and regenerates in the narrative cycle, and the composer's heart is experiencing a short life like lightning, or his music has become a recording of his inner experience.