1、to be in charge of; to take charge of

2、1.[Formal] to be in charge of; 2.duty; charge

3、The Planning Department will be in charge of the meeting.

4、People in the green will be sent to be in charge of the project.

5、Supply Department should be in charge of management of purchased and outsourced parts and be in charge of evaluation of the suppliers according to standards.

6、You’ll be in charge of paper instead of feeling at the mercy of it!

7、Though the man was in aftercare, he would be in charge of the agenda.

8、He will be in charge of attempts to reposition positive public perceptions of the Trafigura brand.

9、How can such pompous people be in charge of moderating our God complex?

10、And governments rightly want to be in charge of where taxpayers' money goes.

11、Like he could just really be in charge of you, forever.

12、As attorney general, Sessions will be in charge of enforcing civil rights laws.

13、The reporter interviewed assistant dean of college of be in charge of of institute of Shenzhen profession technology Dr.

14、Teleopti will be responsible for the WFM solution and implementation , and Huawei will be in charge of the platform interface .

15、Competent authorities of various trades shall be in charge of the product quality control in their respective systems.

16、The PBC shall be in charge of supervising the issuance and trading of subordinated bonds in inter-bank bond market.

17、The people's governments at the township level shall be in charge of land administration in their respective administrative areas.

18、Who, in these circumstances, would want to be in charge of global health at the World Bank?

19、As for me-don't mention this to anyone-next semester I may be in charge of the College of Letters.

20、So it makes sense for the central banks to be in charge of the macro-prudential bit.

21、We had a student production before graduation, and I was chosen to be in charge of the set.

22、You shall be in charge of my palace, and all my people are to submit to your orders.

23、be in charge of environmental protection against pollution damage caused by coastal construction projects and land-sourced pollutants.

24、Unlike the judge, the registrar is a civil servant and may be in charge of more than one court.

25、The Quality Department shall be in charge of recording of review. The Management Representative shall be responsible for the preparing of review report.

26、The Office of the Commission is set up in the MOA Department of Plantation Management, which shall be in charge of the routine work of the Commission.

27、The operator of special process shall be in charge of the specific operation, including the daily monitoring of process and recording of process parameters.

28、"To be in charge of the company's production, operations and management and organise the implementation of the resolutions of the Board of directors"

29、The Drafting Committee will be in charge of working out a draft resolution to be submitted to the Conference for deliberation.

30、Competent administrative authorities under the State Council shall, in line with their respective functions, be in charge of standardization in their respective departments and trades.