1、What is the precautionary principle, and how is it related, if at all, to adaptive management?

2、The European model rests more on the "precautionary principle", which underpins most environmental and health directives.

3、Soundness of the principle that the precautionary principle is the accounting one of the basic principles to be followed.

4、There are four parts in this dissertation: First part concerns the summary of precautionary principle.

5、The precautionary principle suggests that we should be wary of personal products like fragrances unless they are marked phthalate-free.

6、"Greenpeace also wants companies to adopt a" precautionary principle "and avoid chemicals if their environmental impact is uncertain."

7、Therefore, it requires us to introduce the precautionary principle(PP)and to solidly implement this principle in environmental risk assessment and decision-making.

8、This article compares the precautionary principle in the U. s. and China by reviewing the environmental and public health policies of the two countries.

9、The comparative analysis in this paper is backed up by the following understandings concerning precaution and the effectiveness of precaution: 1 precaution is different from precautionary principle.

10、The precautionary principle has been written into many international environmental laws. However, different countries have defined and implemented it in different ways.

11、IMO Secretary-General Efthimios Mitropoulos welcomed Mexico's ratification by emphasizing that for the first time the precautionary principle will be applied to Marine pollution.