1、The plug-in already exists.

2、A similar model already exists.

3、Filegroup '%.*ls' already exists in this database.

4、We assume that the directory already exists.

5、The document library already exists in the topology database.

6、A CNAME record already exists for given name.

7、Technology already exists to track of your mental activity.

8、(which already exists in the project) by double-clicking it.

9、A service where a legacy application or service already exists.

10、The matching rule can not be added because it already exists.

11、The good news is that a process already exists for doing stress tests.

12、NOTE: This article assumes that an RSS feed to which you want to subscribe already exists.

13、A file with this name already exists. Do you want to replace it?

14、The first error ID is for when a user name already exists in the system.

15、The name you've specified is duplicate with another database which already exists. Please specify a different database name.

16、The item '%1' could not be renamed. An item with the name '%2' already exists. Please choose another name.

17、The document cannot be renamed because a document by the specified name already exists in a project.

18、his Utopia is not a chimerical commonwealth but a practical improvement on what already exists- Douglas Bush.

19、If the requester already exists, then it already has a specific binding to an implementation that you must change to point to the mediation module's export.

20、The policy name you just entered is either invalid, or a policy with that name already exists

21、Edit the properties of this link bar to either rebuild it or choose a different link bar that already exists in this web.

22、When the "Confirm export results" dialog appears, there may be an error on the first entry stating that the schema Realty already exists.

23、After the pipe has been created (or if one already exists), each pipe's output is read into the recorded event variable for that window.

24、Doing it manually is possible and not too hard, but why spend the time and effort when a tested and probably much faster implementation already exists?

25、The name you specified for the connection request policy is either invalid, or a connection request policy with that name already exists.

26、The essential aim of any spiritual practice—be it meditation, prayer, yoga, tai chi, etc.—is to help you remove the blocks to the awareness of the happiness that already exists in the center of you.

27、There's a lot of infrastructure across the flood plain interfering with flows all over the place. As I said, I guess we're just trying to make something useful out of what already exists.

28、"Granted, a snobbery of camping itself, based upon equipment and techniques, already exists, but it is of a kind that, if he meets it, he can readily understand and deal with. "