1、Laundryman: I'm terribly sorry.

2、B: I'm terribly sorry.

3、I'm terribly sorry.

4、I am terribly sorry, madam.

5、Rumei: Oh, I'm terribly sorry.

6、I'm terribly sorry, old chaps.

7、I am late, I am terribly sorry.

8、ASSISTANT MANAGER: I 'm terribly sorry.

9、I'm terribly sorry about the inconvenience.

10、I am terribly sorry for the accident.

11、I'm terribly sorry for the delay.

12、Back home in London, I felt terribly sorry for Tony.

13、I'm terribly sorry to bother you at this hour.

14、B: I'm terribly sorry! I thought you didn't mind.

15、I'm terribly sorry not to have done it in time.

16、We are terribly sorry for any inconvenience caused.

17、I feel terribly sorry for missing the chance of answering your letter in time.

18、I'm terribly sorry to drop in at this time on Friday, Paul.

19、I'm terribly sorry, sir. Would you like it cooked a little more?

20、I'm terribly sorry to have given you such a lot of trouble.

21、At that time, I was terribly sorry for myself and envious of Lina.

22、I told the girl at the reception desk that I was terribly sorry, but I was half an hour late.

23、I am terribly sorry, Your Highness, but I was so tired that I fell fast asleep before solving the mystery.

24、The woman waiting on him smiled sweetly. "I'm terribly sorry," she replied. "Which word didn't you understand?"

25、I feel terribly sorry for missing the chance of such a happy get-together, and I hope that all of you enjoy a good time.

26、“I’m……terribly sorry! Sir! (译:非常对不起,先生!)”“对不起,我是……实习生。您烫伤了吗?”“我没事。”

27、Yes, he left a message for you saying he's terribly sorry but he's stuck in traffic and is running 15 minutes late.

28、I'm terribly sorry I won't be able to come to your birthday party, but thanks just the same for our invitation.

29、The Greman are repent for their barbarity, even the prime nimister of German kneel down in front of monument of Jewish victim to show how terribly sorry for them.