1、She washed the salad greens and mixed them with the dressing.

2、The salad greens were wilted and I think the chicken might've been rancid.

3、Spaghetti, chili and pizza, for instance, are great on salad greens.

4、Other kinds of food, such as salad greens, are perishable and must be used while they are fresh.

5、You may use at least 2 to 4 servings of vegetables everyday, preferably legumes and salad greens.

6、Eurasian plant widely naturalized as a weed in North America; used as salad greens and to make wine.

7、Now small forest owners want to join the local food party. They're promoting edible mushrooms, berries, and salad greens that flourish in the woods.

8、You should eat lots of broiled fish, seafood, and poultry (not too much beef or pork), low-fat cheeses, yogurt, plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, salad greens, and wholegrain breads.