1、Find like-minded friends.

2、Spend some time with like-minded people.

3、Forming a consortium of like-minded parties.

4、He forms WCS with a group of like-minded friends.

5、I appeal to all like-minded people to support me.

6、Li Ming and Wang Gang are like-minded friends.

7、Work together with like-minded people to broaden your horizons.

8、That's the best way to find like-minded people just like you.

9、Explore the groups, and join the Web Strategy group, where you'll find other like-minded strategists.

10、Not everyone is convinced that the principle of recruiting like-minded colleagues is sound.

11、People come to fundraising dinners to help the cause and schmooze with other like-minded people.

12、Chinese use it to break news, offer frank opinions, and find like-minded individuals.

13、This pair of couples can be said to be like-minded.

14、Like a small group of like-minded friends in society, this is the basic principle of human social attributes.

15、The two of them shared like-minded ideas and put forward some ideas just like throwing stones into water.

16、Since we cannot do this alone, it will be necessary to enlist the support of like-minded states.

17、I have met with a few like-minded friends, and I never expected to have a so-called close friend.

18、Think about it. Have you never sat down with like-minded friends and started to criticize another group?

19、To join a community of like-minded people, both peers and those to whom we can aspire.

20、So I can read a book all day, write a letter, discuss issues with like-minded persons, or prepare some legal documents.

21、Based on the science of child development, with the backing of like-minded manufacturers, and with the help of his family, he put together Learn‘ n Play.

22、And after attending a gathering of like-minded people held in a Polish forest, he decided to take that lifestyle to its logical extreme.

23、His name is Ken Starks, although he's better known as Helios. Here's what he does with a few like-minded people.

24、Mr Diridon, chairman emeritus of the California High Speed Rail Authority, was addressing like-minded folk at the annual meeting of the Midwest High Speed Rail Association.

25、From humble beginnings in Chicago, the concept of recruiting like-minded consumers online to share in a rock-bottom deal of the day has spread all over the world.

26、Thus, the best team may be one made up of people with diverse skills who have worked together before (and even clashed from time to time), rather than teams of close, like-minded individuals.

27、However, if what takes your fancy is safe, sane and consensual, you could reasonably expect there will be a like-minded partner for you who is also a decent person.

28、The best present you can give to a woman expecting her first baby, for example, is to introduce her to another like-minded pregnant woman, who lives reasonably close by.

29、That trait is exacerbated by his style of government, presidential yet informal, with little use for ministers, MPs or mandarins, preferring an inner circle of like-minded special advisers.

30、Emerging from the depths of Orlando,Fla.--home also to the group's rivals the Backstreet Boys--the five squeaky-clean young lads of 'N Sync seem destined to duplicate the success of musically like-minded performers such as the Spice Girls.