1、The opera was excellently staged.

2、The script staged pretty well.

3、Teachers staged a long strike last year.

4、Perhaps the whole video is staged.

5、Song and dance performances were then staged.

6、The dollar staged a recovery earlier today.

7、The market staged an unexpected recovery, however.

8、Tragedies, like poetry and music, were staged religious events.

9、Macarthur staged a massive amphibious landing behind enemy lines.

10、Changes can be staged while other updates are taking place.

11、Good Silhouette - This is staged much more clearly in silhouette.

12、At age 15, Einstein staged his first great rebellion.

13、Recently The Reader, a very popular TV program, is staged in the form of reading.

14、Once a lung cancer has been appropriately staged, primary and adjuvant therapeutic planning can commence.

15、Great real estate market forecast: What new policies will be staged next year?

16、Yesterday, an art show was staged at Wushan Square, featuring folk music, dances and handicrafts.

17、The farmers staged a noisy but peaceful protest outside the headquarters of the organization.

18、Many people have never seen ghosts and monsters on the stage, and when they see these ugly images, they will realize that things are being staged which should not be staged.

19、As an independent producer, he devised and staged many screen comedies, in which he also played the leading parts.

20、Like the world's most exotic sports cars, Baby Jogger products are manufactured in a staged assembly process.

21、Methods Forty two children aged 1-15 with spleenomegaly were treated through staged partial splenic embolization (PSE).

22、Each chase passed a staged fight designed to look like the scene Conley rushed by: two actors staged a beatdown on a third man, with kicking, punching and yelling.

23、The Brazilians are invincible in this project, they staged a dragon-tiger fight, including gold and silver medals.

24、Spurred on by Thrawn's victories, the remaining Inner Circle of Imperial warlords staged a devastating attack on Coruscant.

25、ROME (AFP) - Sampdoria fans staged a protest outside the club's Bogliasco training complex in Genoa on Tuesday, calling on coach Alberto Cavasin to resign.

26、Nearly 1 million people attend each year in anticipation of spectacular fireworks, rowing and motorboat RACES, and staged pirate battles on the Neva River.

27、While some larger guilds of players have staged bigger battles, player-versus-player combat is otherwise very infrequent in Lineage II.

28、In October at the instigation of the Japanese invaders, some Chinese traitors staged a revolt in Hsiangho, Hopei Province, and seized the county town.

29、A fireworks display staged by Servandoni would be structured in the same way as an opera, and was even divided into separate acts.

30、From July 29 to October 26, the museum staged a major exhibition entitled History through Maps: An Exhibition of Old Maps of China, the largest show of its kind ever held in Hong Kong.