1、Let's pass on to the next item on the agenda.

2、I pass on to Beijing, circa August 2006.

3、The birds pass on to offspring the capacity to make these changes.

4、Impulse buying is not a habit we want to pass on to our kids.

5、I have an urgent matter, please pass on to penavico, the sooner, the better.

6、This is excellent information that she can pass on to her partner!

7、Please pass on to all your friends and relatives the following mail from Sony Erricsson.

8、Another plus: the nest egg that builds up, something older Americans may be able to pass on to their heirs.

9、Jim: That will involve additional expenses for us, which we'll have to pass on to you as a rate hike.

10、The catalogues will be collected back after a period of time and pass on to the next line of shops.

11、Touched on his sensitive spot, Hung-chien said, "All right, go then.Are you going to give Mrs. Wang those two plays to pass on to Miss Fan?

12、At first, you pick decision which present low risks but which you usually tend to pass on to others, and you make them on your own.

13、Retailers grumble that the charges inflate their costs, which they are forced to pass on to consumers-even those who choose to pay by cash.

14、In this case we want the message to pass on to the next module and not to be returned directly from this flow.

15、If you only had a single statement to pass on to others summarizing the most vital lesson to be drawn from your work, what would it be?

16、When they pull data to load into the production environment, they simply pull data from both file systems, and compress, then pass on to their production cluster.

17、I did not succeed in my endeavours to pass on to people the immensity of God s love. There was much misunderstanding.

18、Niang, I told my daughter-in-law that when he had a second son, he would pass on to Erniu to keep him from breaking the incense.

19、How can they pass on to their children a nation as strong and free as the one they inherited from their forefathers?

20、There is no vice, however unconscious, no virtue, however shy, no touch of meanness or of generosity in your character, that will not pass on to the paper.

21、I will pass on to our Chairman Brian Aherne and Commissioner McCreadie my pleasure of being a representative from our Board.

22、It has been shown, for example, to interfere with the body's immune response, so men who are able to maintain high levels of the hormone are typically strong and healthy— traits women would want to pass on to their progeny.

23、For example, one might see hellfire or demons if one is destined to be born in hell, but celestial beings or mansions if one is to pass on to celestial realms.

24、However, to save and protect Chuanjiang haozi and to ensure that it will pass on to future generations will greatly promote the development of Chinese and even world water music culture.