1、Lock up mineral rights around the world?

2、The mineral rights which originate from the ownership of mineral resources are usufructuary rights and inherent rights owned by the person who has the mining rights.

3、In America, mineral rights belong to the landowner.

4、Independent of the national ownership of mineral rights and mineral exploitation of mineral rights which should be a free flow of the property.

5、If oil or gold are discovered under your lot, you can sell the mineral rights.

6、In this mode, it is important to set up a orderly mineral rights deal market.

7、The deed of transfer in terms of which the DME alienated the mineral rights defined these as certain 20 unnumbered base mineral claims.

8、Accelerate development. Make good use of both mineral rights and capital, and find out appropriate entry point to achieve leapfrog development.

9、In the USA mineral rights are often vested in private hands and royalty is thus not thought of as a tax.

10、The London-listed African Consolidated Resources insists, however, that it has the mineral rights to the 1, 800-hectare site, deemed to contain the field’s richest deposits.

11、In 2004 mineral rights were transferred from private to state hands, and firms must convert their existing licences into new ones.

12、Greenland Minerals projects general manager Dr John Mair said the Danes' surrender of all mineral rights presented an opportunity for Greenland to build a future based on natural resource development.

13、The meek shall inherit the Earth, but not its mineral rights. - J. Paul Getty“谦卑的人会继承地球,而不是它的采矿权。”

14、Therefore, when the permit was granted and the environmental management plan approved, the respondent was also granted the right to construct a new road to the mineral rights area.