1、He's sorry he can't come over to meet you pers -.

2、Oil of litsea cubeba [Litsea cubeba (lour.)pers.]

3、At some of the more important services of the church, the holy water is sprinkled on the worship pers.

4、And ignored LIU Xie lived in the Six Dynasties while“ modern style" poetry pros pers after Tang Dynasty, so JI Yun's comments and explanations are unsuitable.

5、The methods which can measure the capital structure of corporations, include comparing fund cost, equity capital interest rate and analyzing lucre of pers hare.

6、A few years ago pers, working in a wreck under the Red Sea, several times sighted a wrasse 20 feet long.

7、Methods The chemical constituents in volatile oils from the husk of sorghum vulgare pers were analyzed By GC-MS-computer technology.

8、ou must feel terrible when someone you like gives everythings to a third pers on.看着喜欢的人为另一个人掏心掏肺 你一定很难受吧