1、amor omnibus idem, says Virgil;

2、Virgil: Ceberus, the great worm.

3、Virgil Malloy: I hate that question.

4、Virgil, quick, come see, there goes Robert E. Lee!

5、The path down to evil is easy. -- Virgil

6、No, it isn't, Virgil. What are you doing?

7、Virgil Hu:Oh dude, did I tell you?I got it.

8、Apollo warns Virgil that a pastoral poet simply shouldn't overstep his bounds.

9、Among them are classic writers like Homer and Virgil, and later masters like Dante and Shakespeare.

10、The literary “reecho” of Augustus s reign--citing Virgil s “Aeneid” as the example;

11、I remember vividly another evening, when something led us to talk of Dante's veneration for Virgil.

12、The most important Classical meter is the dactylic hexameter, the meter of Homer and Virgil.

13、Virgil: When it comes to the safety of these people, there's me and then there's God, understand?

14、It's a poem deeply invested in the tradition of pastoral poetry, pastoral poetry from Theocritus and Virgil onward.

15、The subject of the statue is from the "Aeneid" by Virgil, the most famous poet of ancient Rome.

16、Virgil was aware of the value of myth in establishing the divine antecedents of Augustus's expanding empire.

17、This is Virgil: "He should sing thin - spun lays and he should be content feeding his fat sheep."

18、Most schoolchildren know the basics of the Trojan horse, but Virgil outlines all of the intriguing details of myth and legend.

19、The Latin poet Virgil uses the words avunculus Hector in a solemn heroic passage of the Aeneid (Book III, line 343);

20、Milton wants to write an epic that in some ways comes before, or prevents, the great epics of Homer and Virgil.

21、an Italian poet famous for `The Divine Comedy'--a journey through hell and purgatory and paradise guided by Virgil and his idealized Beatrice (1265-1321).

22、Virgil: I've been collecting them all my life. Claire: So I'm not the first. You have had other women. Virgil: Yes, I've loved them all and they loved me back. They taught me to wait for you. And now that you are here, we'd like you to come and live with us and make this beautiful hotel your home.

23、Virgil alludes to just this passage in Homer when he describes the entrance of a whole crowd of people in to the underworld as "the falling of leaves in the early frost of autumn."

24、The only precedent Milton would have had even for the idea of line numbers would have been the great ancient classics, the magnificent Renaissance editions of Homer and Virgil.

25、Here is the story, in brief. A lonely pilgrim—it is Dante himself—strays into a dark wood, and is guided by the Roman poet Virgil down into Hell to contemplate the harrowing fate of the damned.

26、Vampa took this wild road, which, enclosed between two ridges, and shadowed by the tufted umbrage of the pines, seemed, but for the difficulties of its descent, that path to Avernus of which Virgil speaks.

27、It's to admit that this is in fact a late epic and that it derives from a close, studious, student-like imitation of the great epics of Homer and Virgil.

28、吴先生作为《大公报》主持文艺副刊的工作同样英勇,他师徒通过这方面的努力来引导*文学界更多地关注西方文学中的实质,而不是皮毛。是的,除去极少数的例外,几乎*所有的年轻作家,都已经决定接受西方文学哪些华而不实的皮毛,而对其实质不管不顾。史实、日期、知识,都太枯燥,而且太艰*。如今人们想要的只是随波逐流,顺手捡拾一些无价值的琐屑之物——Dowson, Baudelaire, Valery, Virginia Woolf, Aldous Huxley等等。在当代*文学界,像吴先生那样不得体地暗示研读Homer, Virgil, Dante和Milton也有某种价值,就只能招人嗤笑了。