1、Countless species have disappeared due to over-hunting, habitat destruction and habitat fragmentation, pollution and other unnatural human causes.

2、Because of habitat fragmentation, illegal hunt, and disturbance of human being activity, etc, Pantholops hodgsoni was endangered.

3、Frugivores have different adaptability to the habitat fragmentation, being stronger for the forest generalists and food generalists.

4、The results showed that the habitat fragmentation and loss would cause the loss of habitats used by Elliot's phea…

5、All the species follow different extinction patterns. It brings climate change and the implications of habitat fragmentation to the fore again.

6、The research of landscape pattern of Thousand Island Lake area showed that patch density of this area is relatively low (6.91), showing the habitat fragmentation phenomenon.

7、The entire Western Forest Complex is experiencing habitat fragmentation driven by human encroachments as forests are felled and cleared to make room for a growing human population.