1、His answer was apposite.

2、This is a very apposite comparison.

3、an apposite comment,illustration,example,etc

4、The argument is apposite to the case.

5、An apposite comment, illustration, example, ETC.

6、The language is idiomatic and the wording is apposite

7、What he said is apposite to the case.

8、According to the appropriate appraisal, he apportioned them apposite work.

9、Enable all the events from the apposite available task filter drop down list.

10、I need to thinking about a job for which I have apposite skills.

11、She thought in both languages, and selected the most apposite phrase from either.

12、The principles of Historic districts's protection, include integrated protection, sincerity coexist, hierarchical protection, and apposite update.

13、The successful copywriter is a master of apposite and evocative verbal images.Something apropos is both to the point and opportune:

14、The reporter hadn't mentioned Jesse Jackson, but Mr. Clinton somehow felt it apposite to refer to him anyway.

15、Just make sure they're original, clever and apposite, and don't involve some infantile banter with your co-commentator about an open goal he missed two decades ago.

16、He provides a wide-ranging account of the rise of state capitalism and he litters his prose with apposite examples and acute insights.

17、Methods the apposite nursing means were taken based on the observation and analysis of the psychological character of 188 cases of the middle and old age received cosmetic operation.

18、The phrase comes from a quote in the final paragraph, which is also worth repeating because it contains what may turn out to be the most apposite verdict on the whole affair.

19、WHEN the leaders of the world’s largest economies meet on July 8th near the Italian city of L’Aquila for this year’s G8 summit, they will find themselves in an apposite setting.

20、Uygur Collective Dance 5-color Shoes 5 chirrupy Uygur youngsters all had fine shoe-making crafts, at their age of first awakening of love, encountered a beautiful girl, and they decided to make a pair of shoes each for her, and let the girl to choose the person who made the most apposite shoes.