1、Misprints occur on every page.

2、These snails do not occur on low-lying coral islands.

3、Synchronization does not need to always occur on a schedule.

4、If no accidents occur on the way, like punctured tyres.

5、Some savannas occur on wet, waterlogged soils; others on dry, sandy, well-drained soils.

6、Mediation can occur on the client side, the service side, or on the wire in between.

7、Medical emergencies like this often occur on aircraft, and there are not always doctors on board.

8、The invoice request date must occur on or after the work completed date.

9、America's biggest interest payments occur on the 15th of August, November, February and May.

10、The connection will break and a reconnection will occur on the standby queue manager.

11、Additivity becomes important when you consider the possible summarizations that will occur on a fact table.

12、Mr. Roh's family agreed to a state-assisted public funeral, likely to occur on Friday.

13、You can also set SSL properties on the thread to be used for SSL connections that occur on that thread.

14、They most often occur on the elbows, knees, other parts of the legs, scalp, lower back, face, palms, and soles of the feet, but they can occur on skin anywhere on the body.

15、The first will occur on May 15, when the Sun and Uranus will be in divine angles.

16、The RRD extension reports any errors that occur on the remote server back to the originating server.

17、One of its purposes is to register for all notifications which occur on that cell, node, or server.

18、First introduced in SQL Server 2005, it allows multiple simultaneous operations to occur on the same connection.

19、If no accidents occur on the way, like punctured tires, diversions of traffic, sudden descent of fog, they will be on time.

20、Thomas Hunt Morgan provided evidence that genes occur on chromosomes and that adjacent genes on the same chromosome form linkage groups.

21、When you want an event on one element to cause an action to occur on another element, assign id attributes to SVG elements and reference them.

22、In the following sections we identify failures that can occur on the application level and outline an architectural solution to tackle these.

23、The XIRR function determines the irr of a sequence of cash flows that occur on any set of irregularly spaced dates.

24、Data has since revealed that all mass strandings around Australia occur on gently sloping sandy beaches, some with inclines of less than 0.5%.

25、The expected landslide did not occur on the third ballot, and Farley turned in desperation to the Texas and California delegates.

26、This is, in part, because old ones never die; they just set their meetings to occur on the sidelines of the shiny new institutions' gatherings.

27、The review activity should occur on or after a specific date on which the text of the requirements is to be reviewed by a requirements analyst for versioning purposes.

28、Economists on Wall Street have indicated that a 25 to 60 basis-point increase in yield may occur on the 10-year Treasury bond - pushing rates up to around 3%.

29、The backup files on Server #1 and #2 will be securely transmitted to the offsite storage server, and the entire distributed backup process will occur on a regular basis without human intervention.