1、They continued on.

2、He continued on his way.

3、So she continued on her journey.

4、So she cut things off and continued on her journey.

5、He continued on back through the evening, undoing things.

6、Then they re-organized and continued on the line they had created.

7、He got up, continued on around the car and jumped in the front passenger seat.

8、He continued on his way, ignorant of the danger which lay ahead.

9、As a backup, work is continued on relief Wells which might offer a longer term solution.

10、Reassured by this hope I continued on my devastations like some 7)wanton explorer.

11、After leaving the treatment center, he continued on outpatient treatment, and has not cheated on his wife again.

12、Stocks moved dramatically lower on Wednesday as overbought conditions from the past few days continued on unwind.

13、They still want to do better, and so, knowing there are still two floors left, they continued on up.

14、We retried without turning off 2G, and instead of dropping, the call continued on 2G without a hiccup.

15、After the training course, two Canadian experts continued on as advisers for improving the use of this new textbook.

16、The bus continued onward.

17、Chia-chu continued on his way, peering right and left as he went like a hungry stray dog on the prowl.

18、And, let me tell you something, it continued on. Even when I ran for governor people said, "Arnold, you will never become governor of California."

19、He continued on assignment, waiting for a new armour-plated Land-Rover to arrive from England, when he was shot in the stomach.

20、Gilead abode beyond Jordan: and why did Dan remain in ships? Asher continued on the sea shore, and abode in his breaches.

21、Those who continued on the crusade died from hunger or exposure, were drowned at sea, or were seized and sold as slaves.

22、Until this afternoon when a burly man walked up, snatched the water jug out of her hand, drank directly out of it, and then tossed the jug on the ground as he continued on his way.

23、This prompted central Banks in Europe, the US and Asia to offer emergency injections of liquidity last Thursday and Friday, a move that continued on a smaller scale yesterday.

24、I chuckled to myself at how my mind had twisted the situation…We left the door unnailed, just resting against the gaping hole, and continued on with the day.

25、After removing the bolts and using a bit of healing magic to close the puncture wounds, the dark elves continued on, leaving behind what would be a very confused mining party.

26、The boat continued on, and after a while, at a place called White Crane Town, the tour guide mobilised everyone to go ashore and buy local specialties for an hour.

27、He continued on to say, but if I take job number two, I can work hard and make more money, then I can retire early and "teach" later in life.