1、positivism methodology

2、anti-positivism methodology

3、See also logical positivism.

4、Galileo's Tradition and Economic positivism

5、The philosophy of Auguste Comte;positivism.

6、The introduction of the positivism method is the guide for the positivism philosophy.

7、Succeeding Yanfu, Wang Guowei, as the first Chinese who used the philosophical item "positivism", tried to promote positivism methods to positivism principles.

8、Finally, the author illustrates reasonability and unreasonability of logic positivism.

9、So are the monistic doctrines of positivism and neopositivism.

10、Scientific interpretation is influenced by the concept of logical positivism.

11、Anti-positivism is an obvious tendency of Weber's theory.

12、He then pointed out positivist spirit embodies the connotation of positivism in a centralized way, and observation and reasonable prediction is the main characteristics of positivism.

13、In abroad, the research of the science of educational management has embarked on the path of multi-parallelism and multi-polarity marked by positivism and post-positivism.

14、Logical positivism is rooted in two philosophic traditions: analytical tradition and internalism tradition.

15、The representative philosophy of science has three schools: empiricism-positivism, rationalism and constructivism.

16、Lon Fuller (b. 1902) has turned a critical searchlight on both juridical positivism and legal realism.

17、But the exploration of academic circles is still superficial, especially short of positivism research.

18、Where is the way for positivism approach under the circumstances of globalization and new world structures?

19、Conde positivism is based on empirical natural science, with observable and testable facts and knowledge as its content.

20、The positivism analysis methods of integrating theory and practice and combined quantitative and qualitative analysis are used in this paper.

21、Psychology is rooted in the tradition of empirical positivism that views science as objective and value free.

22、Language testing research, a typical example of positivism, is usually considered the most conservative field in social science research.

23、Thomas Hobbes explained internal connections of sovereignty and positive law. Hence, sovereignty became the central concept in legal positivism.

24、Logical positivism in the description of the traditional standards of science when that science is truth, and objectivity, continuous progressive and rational.

25、Logical positivism thinks that metaphysical propositions beyond experience cannot be verified as truth or falsehood, so that they are meaningless at all.

26、This is mainly because of the necessity of formal logical structure of civil law and the shaping of organization personality, which reflects a narrow civil positivism view.

27、But the innocent adoption of Historical Objectivism, ignoring the historicity of a spiritually objectified man will lead to a clandestine positivism.

28、The tradition of scientism and positivism in economics cannot be discarded, but the object and content of economic research may experience profound changes.

29、The third part analyses the three main trends of thought, such as mechanical philosophy, logical positivism and postmodernism and they how to affect the relations of science and religion.