1、the pope speaking ex cathedra;ex cathedra determinations.

2、The Pope was speaking ex cathedra.

3、He was ordained bishop and assumed the cathedra of the Diocese of Taichung in 1986.

4、The mutual interlocution after the speeches was a highlight of the cathedra.

5、Dr Tan finished his splendid prelection in impassioned applause and our cathedra also came into the epilogue.

6、I felt very beneficial from the cathedra about the security of information made by Shi Lei( the minister of communication).

7、The club regarded this cathedra seriously and devoted much energy to selecting ground and communicateing with the talker.

8、After each series of course, all kinds of Trainee Club Activity will be arranged for further communication, such as inspection, topic study, a variety of forum& cathedra& salon.

9、Senior consultation specialist, the along front cathedra specialist. Fource of the strategy of industry planning, battalion management pattern design, financial affairs.

10、It confers ex cathedra legitimacy on anything it touches: Schumpeter was struck by how many Indian entrepreneurs proudly presented him with HBS case studies about their companies.

11、The master does not teach ex cathedra a ready made science; he supplies an answer when the students are on the verge of finding it.

12、In the cathedra, he discussed the reason why the US could become a great power in the world economy and military affairs, as well as what should be used for reference by China.