1、Such rituals may be seen as placebos.

2、That is a lot to pay for placebos.

3、For the last seven days, you take placebos.

4、Commonly used placebos include vitamins or small amounts of medicine.

5、The report recommends that students and doctors should be taught about placebos and their usage.

6、Others said they had ordered placebos for their patients after all other treatments had failed.

7、Besides being benchmarks, placebos are a topic of research in their own right.

8、It has been found that placebos can play a role in many different cases.

9、They found that SSRIs did not help the vast majority of depressed people much more than placebos did.

10、In certain ways, placebos are ideal drugs: they typically have no side effects and are essentially free.

11、To create a clear framework for the use of placebos, the BÄK is now calling for internationally recognised guidelines.

12、This finding supports the theory that placebos reduce pain by encouraging the brain to produce more natural opiates than usual.

13、This finding supports the the ory that placebos reduce pain by encouraging the brain to produce more natural opiates than usual.

14、The police pills were harmless placebos. But a local gang had been using the same technique to give people heavy sedatives and then burgle them.

15、Since people who excessively flatter others do so only to please and not because the really believe what they are saying, flatterers started to be called called placebos.

16、Among the doctors who used placebos, one in five said they lied to patients and told them a placebo was medication.

17、What they found, published in this week's Annals of Internal Medicine, is that only about 8 percent of studies published in those top medical journals revealed what was in their placebos.

18、Novartis's own studies show that it is only 5 percent to 10 percent more effective than placebos at resolving the symptoms of constipation-related irritable bowel syndrome in women.

19、To control the amount of caffeine the participants received, the team gave them pills containing caffeine equivalent to around four cups of coffee in one day or similar looking placebos.

20、They cook for their kids, make their beds, buy them expensive placebos disguised as omnipotent health supplements, even rent them rooms in luxury hotels so that they can concentrate on their studies.