1、culminate in bankruptcy

2、They all culminate in these four sections.

3、Years of working under somebody could culminate in an abrupt change in your lifestyle.

4、Of course, many portray intermarriage as gradual genocide that will culminate in the disappearance of their particular group.

5、If only the planners of 1960 had been able to foretell these culminate in such a tragedy

6、The course will culminate in an informal presentation and evaluation in the final session, offering opportunities for participants to apply what they have learned in the course.

7、That triggers a period of assessment by commanders there, and in Washington, that is expected to culminate in early September with new recommendations on U.S. troop levels.

8、The year-long activities will culminate in Dakar, with the holding of the sixth global forum of the Council in December 2003.

9、But the big worry is that spreading unrest will culminate in another shock akin to the oil embargo of 1973, the Iranian revolution or Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.

10、He will be a constant presence as players progress through the expansion content -- which will culminate in a showdown with the dread Lich King himself.

11、Oxygen-rich blood makes contact with tissues through intimate arcades of branching vessels that culminate in small, highly permeable vessels called capillaries.

12、Against the backdrop in the context of the2008 version of Olympic Games, a rich program of events in a variety of forms will be staged, which will culminate in an international cultural pageantry amidst great jubilation.

13、The full version will provide a detailed comparison of the five options presented in the summary report – including one plan that would culminate in a trip to Mars orbit.

14、In times of stress, the brain makes more neuropsin and this triggers a series of chemical reactions that culminate in a 'fear gene' being switched on - and feelings of anxiety.

15、Symptoms are usually slow in onset, starting with dribbling, getting up at night, weak stream, urgency and hesitancy. The symptoms tend to get worse progressively, and might culminate in retention.

16、Don't worry if you're not too good with words, your sweetheart will surely appreciate your gesture. Your effort will culminate into a moment which both of you'll treasure forever, trust us.