1、amount brought forward

2、Some attentive issues were brought forward also.

3、Balance of unobligated allocations brought forward ;

4、The sodium-process bleaching power classification was brought forward.

5、We brought forward the design polestar of purple clay teapot.

6、Finally, the proper applications of FRP and what the structure engineers should do are brought forward.

7、The transmission of the programme was brought forward due to its unexpected topicality.

8、Conclusion The puberty development startup and mature age of obese children were brought forward.

9、Then the designing principles on protection from quake of cultural relic in museum were brought forward.

10、A target function for design of hydraulic hand drills is brought forward in this paper.

11、On the basis of education conception change, multi-aspect examination mode through the teaching is brought forward.

12、Many researchers have done profound and careful research in 'Perceived Self-efficacy 'since Bandura brought forward this theory.

13、Marx brought forward the great thought of capital socialization, and demonstrated its realization form, development foreground and existing problem.

14、The concept of heat threshold is brought forward for the melting process of radioactive source with constant heat rate.

15、An objective analogue prediction model of tropical cyclone track is brought forward that considers the synthetical evaluation environment.

16、Even more request for universal MIS are brought forward by exterior dynamic environment such as user requirement levity and development environment levity .

17、The micro-images of particle morphologic and fractal are applied to process of image processing. Morphologic parameters have been brought forward: area, girth, diameter, shape factor, and fractal.

18、But the economic malaise and energy-efficiency programs in the U.S. brought forward the date of the milestone, Mr. Birol said.

19、All kinds of energy saving index on the third step in Harbin are brought forward and the rationality of the decisive indexes is proved by using examples.

20、Then, the taxi operation information table structure was designed and the algorithm to mine taxi operation information based on the map-matched floating car data was brought forward.

21、A sort of strain sensor that is made of cycloidal stretch film piece and microbent modulation construction and a method of distributed optical fiber strain sensor by Optical Time-Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) are brought forward.

22、Based on the contradiction of real-time and nicety in detecting little offset faults of sensor by multi-data, a novel approach is brought forward to solve it in this paper.

23、On the basis of a deep study on the sliding mechanism of hand-excavated soil slope, a new method, by using. Stress moving method to engage stability analysis of slope is brought forward.

24、According to the large and complicated float net of oil flooding system, found math model of oil water flooding system and brought forward the algorithm of subsystem auto-partition.

25、Especially, aiming at the question of dealing with big scene 3d simulation models in real time with 3d simulation engine, it brought forward the method of dynamic loading 3d model.

26、After measuring yak growth, meat nutrition component and sanitation, ascertained that the proper slaughter time was3.5- year old, brought forward matching technique of timely slaughter age, and established Green Food Technical Regulations of Maiwa Yak Production and Green Food Maiwa Yak Meat.

27、4. Two optional storage methods, which included memory storage and disk storage, were brought forward and put into use in PTDBS to satisfy with the access demand of APC software. Swinging Door Compression technology was used in the disk storage, and has taken good effect on data storage.