1、Don't be so horrid to Aunt Jane!

2、Aunt Jane has just got married again.

3、Hello, Aunt Jane, Uncle Jack. I've arrived!

4、Hello, Aunt Jane, Uncle Jack. I 've arrived!

5、Daniel: Aunt Jane buys a new bike for Tom.

6、Aunt Jane usually visits us for two or three weeks in the spring.

7、Daniel: Aunt Jane buys a new bike for Tom. He is putting on grand AIRS.

8、Aunt Jane wanted to be an actress when she was young, @ she told us.

9、But contemporary scholars have reappraised: "dear Aunt Jane" as an independent and worldly-wise woman who wielded a sardonic pen.

10、Nephew: Aunt Jane, I hope you'll be home next Sunday. I'd like you to meet my fiancee.

11、Key to the success Recently engaged, I asked my Aunt Jane, who has been married to Uncle Bob for 34 yeas, what she thought was the key to the success of their long union.

12、Recently engaged, I asked my Aunt Jane, who has been married to Uncle Bob for 34yeas, what she thought was the key to the success of their long union.