1、This indicates that the process is interruptible.

2、Interruptible load management in power market and interim system Part 2 Operation of interruptible load;

3、Non-interruptible processes are often used in conjunction with or as a portion of interruptible processes.

4、Condition value at risk evaluation of adopting interruptible power price

5、Multi-period dispatch of interruptible loads by intelligent optimization algorithms

6、In this paper, I show you how to expose two-way MQ applications as JMS services and integrate them, synchronously or asynchronously, with interruptible and non-interruptible flows.

7、Figure 8 shows a sample interruptible process for integrating Send and Receive services.

8、Flexible load control, an important program of DSM, comprises the interruptible load and demand side generation.

9、The interruptible conditions, optimal dispatch, application obstacles in interim system are also discussed.

10、In the interruptible load management, customers shortage cost could be significantly reduced by early notification.

11、An evaluating model of interruptible load uncertain risks and returns based on evidence theory

12、In electricity market, the informational asymmetries between utilities and customers may cause inefficiencies in interruptible load management.

13、Long-running (receive/reply) indicates an interruptible process that includes a Reply activity (a rather unusual situation).

14、Sometimes throwing InterruptedException is not an option, such as when a task defined by Runnable calls an interruptible method.

15、Long-running (receive with callback) indicates an interruptible process that communicates back to the caller by invoking a callback service.

16、A typical HIPPO business process is a long-running, interruptible business process that, on average, makes up about 10 business tasks.

17、当中断触发时,就会有一个线程被唤醒(wake_up _ interruptible)并基于中断恢复执行。

18、While most garbage-collection algorithms are based on the "Bone Collector", Train is more effective, according to Sun officials, because it is interruptible.

19、Long-running processes are interruptible and this enables introduction of staff and other activities that might require interrupting the process execution.

20、This scenario only occurs when the class calling the interruptible method is part of a Thread, not a Runnable or general-purpose library code, as illustrated in Listing 5.

21、In the case of interruptible flows, you can handle the two-way asynchronous services by using an Invoke activity to send the request and a receive activity to receive the reply.

22、不管何时中断被触发,这些线程都会被唤醒(wake_up _ interruptible)并基于中断恢复执行。