1、Delete deletes the specified document.

2、Delete deletes the specified comment.

3、DeleteFlatFile - deletes an existing file.

4、'delete.php' -deletes a specified photo.

5、Cascading deletes are a scary concept initially.

6、Batches updates and deletes for high performance.

7、It deletes the table (see Listing 13).

8、Contacts-delete.php deletes a specified entry.

9、Automatically deletes media that has been listened to.

10、DeleteAll — deletes all the profiles under the product installation.

11、The operation that deletes the node from the Drupal system.

12、When the master administrator deletes a virtual portal, the portlet also deletes all content that is scoped to that virtual portal.

13、This procedure deletes the trace data collected so far if tracing is on.

14、The second command simply deletes rule number 3 from the OUTPUT chain.

15、Query has some experimental update()/delete() methods on it for criterion-based updates/deletes.

16、If the service deletes a record, the compensation restores the record.

17、After the system finds the APAR, the system deletes the task.

18、Putting static belongsTo = Publisher in the Book class adds another dimension to the relationship — cascading updates and deletes.

19、The form knows to look for that temporary file, reads it, populates it as necessary, and deletes the file.

20、Dropping a federated procedure deletes it from the local catalogs and does not change the catalogs at the data source.

21、I often hear this song singing by others.

22、The deleteFlatFile operation also takes the file name wrapped in the FlatFile data object as input and deletes the file with the given name from the output directory.

23、Decline the useless replies, can't release any and have humiliating, ramble and personal aggressive article and speech still more, once find that deletes the reply to deal with.

24、Whoever violates states regulations and deletes, alters, adds, and interferes in computer information systems, causing abnormal operations of the systems and grave consequences,

25、The algorithm for characteristic code word section added list item by the levels, and algorithm for adding, deletes and renaming of a list item was presented.

26、This program creates a linked list of few nodes, fills in the data, prints them, and finally deletes all the nodes.

27、Listing 14 retrieves the current Psycho document, deletes it in CouchDB, and then recreates it by adding a new movie-title key with the current ID value and removing the ID from the map.

28、This loop also keeps an $invalidateCache flag up to date, so that if a Butterfly's cache is deleted, it deletes the caches of the rest of the Butterfly objects above it in the chain.

29、When an object is created, altered, or dropped, the database manager inserts, updates, or deletes rows in the catalog tables that describe the object and its relationships to other objects.

30、Whoever violates state regulations and deletes, alters, or adds the data or application programs installed in or processed and transmitted by the computer systems, and causes grave consequences, is to be punished according to the preceding paragraph